Re: Ignore Ford Thaxton (was

 Posted on 11/4/1994 by to

Well, well, well....y'all remember how for weeks and weeks old Ford
has been in here, arguing that he had a right to know the inner workings
of Michael O'Hare's business, his career, his employment, "the truth is
out there," on and on and on ad infinitum? Message after message after
message, smearing by implication and innuendo, demanding the truth, that
he was entitled to know, that this was the right forum to discuss such

Well, after my ONE message here about *his* business, guess who has
gone right up the flue and started whining to Warner Bros. about how it
is unfair and wrong for me to discuss someone's business in a public
forum...? And buttressed it with threats (veiled and otherwise)?

I guess there are rules that apply to Ford, and rules that apply to
everyone else.

I guess there are those who like to dish it out, but don't much like
it when EXACTLY the same thing is done to them. Fortunately there is a
long, LONG trail of messages here from Mr. Thaxton which present a very
clear picture of who started what, and why.
