The refraction depends on the angle...

 Posted on 4/4/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

The refraction depends on the angle you're viewing it from, so it does
vary a bit.

Bits and Phil & Ed's Excellent Convention in Burbank the
other day, I saw my first B5 hall costume...very well done, actually, a B5
command-rank uniform, which was *very* detailed and authentic looking. It
actually took me a second to realize that this wasn't one of ours, but rather
an impressive simulation.

(VERY strong reaction from folks there about the show, all positive.)

Also, I'm tentatively planning to show "Signs and Portents" at I-CON that
Saturday. There are several to choose from, but since that one's a real blow-
out, that seemed the best choice.

I'm also *very* eager to see the audience reaction to something in
