Starfury launch error in cgi?

 Posted on 11/3/1993 by to

I'm sorry, but I don't agree that this is an error. This launch
scenario is the one best suggested by some of the techie types we've gone
to. In addition, you want to fire with the nose facing out because you
want to get the engines going as quickly as possible, once you're clear
of the bay, to get the ship *outward* as soon as possible, because the
primary docking bay is at the "front" of the station, and you don't want
to have a flight of fighters entering your primary traffic lane. The
noses of the furies when releeased are pointing in the "down" direction of
centrifugal force, and that's the direction in which they should be
released. Nor would they travel diagonally along the station in any
event; they'd go at a nominal curve away from the cobra launch bays much
the same as a rock tied to a string flies away from you when you release
it after whirling it around your head.

This works, and makes the most common, and scientific sense.
