As an of the things...

 Posted on 9/25/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

As an of the things that's been great to watch over the last
few months is how the crew and cast have really come together. On a lot
(though certainly not all) of shows, once you finish the day, the crew goes
off in as many different directions as possible. Ditto with the cast.

But now, on top of the B5 softball team, now there's a B5 golf team, both
in-house for B5 tournaments, and to play others. Softball is on Saturday,
golf is on Sunday. Groups of the crew get together socially on the weekends,
have barbeques and dinners. When we wrap for the day, there is generally a
large contingent that heads down to a nearby restaurant to hang out together
and get coffee and something to eat. The other softball teams have been
astonished because we generally have lots of cast come out to play as well.
At the last game, Michael O'Hare, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs (pitching) and
Andrea Thompson all showed up and played. (Jerry hit a homer.)

There are always hassles, and last minute problems, and the occasional
bursts of crankiness that come with TV production, but for the most part it
seems that the cast and crew are genuinely having a good time on the show, and
that's always a good sign.

No special reason for mentioning it, except I was thinking about it, and
it's kinda nice....
