Will: yes, that sounds kinda close...

 Posted on 4/11/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Will: yes, that sounds kinda close to the effect...now imagine it used in
a fabric, and you'll be at least a little close to the effect.

Good ideas on the non-gravity ships, though that's not what we'll be
doing. (Nicely composed.) Apparently the one person who *does* know Ron's
work has a good idea of where we're going, though....

To answer Peter's question, and expand a bit on it, check out the current
issue of Video Toaster Magazine, which just hit this week. (I haven't seen
the issue yet, but it arrived at the office.) The cover story on B5 gives
good info on how we'll be using the Toaster (and efx that are literally months
old in terms of their technology) for the show. Those into neepery will find
plenty there to draw your interest. Again, when you see the cover, remember
that this is the Prior version of B5, not the new Improved version (though
it's *still* way cool). To get what we needed for this show, we literally had
programmers rewriting codes customized to our needs, which go beyond what this
stuff has ever been used for before.

If anyone here reads the piece (which is 3+ pages long, in addition to
the cover), lemme know what you think.
