More on the widescreen conversion

 Posted on 11/12/2000 by to

I expect that we will have some kind of resolution on this situation next week.
I've been in discussions with several people from the technical division at
SFC, giving them the information they need to backtrack with WB and figure out
what happened. They had no idea there was a problem until several second
season eps had aired because there was no reason to do any kind of check
against the regular aspect ratio episodes since all of season 1 was correct.

We know they're ALL in widescreen in PAL format because we worked closely with
WB to ensure they were all fully conformed when B5 was completed. And a number
of us visited WB technical ops and also went to Laser Pacific to view eps from
two later seasons during season 5. (We made the field trip so we could
evaluate how the cgi comps were transferring to PAL in order to make some minor
adjustments to color value balance in future comps, which sometimes showed line
trading. And I received confirmation from WB at that time that they were
finishing up the last of the widescreen deliveries.)

Anyway, as stated we should have some reading on this next week.


(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)