Posted on 6/10/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

"The mutiny was clumsy, but I like Gideon, Galen, Dureena and Trace.
(And from the way it opened, my first thought was, "this must be some
of the extra violence TNT wanted. Ugh.")


"Will we find out why Gideon wouldn't have his exec scan the Drakh?"

The rules about unauthorized scans still apply. Matheson has to
operate even under stricter rules re: privacy now than before. You'll
see more on this later.

"The only really weak spots, to me were the " Earth in a panic"
scenes, which looked an awful lot like newsreel footage"

TNT note: we need to SEE Earth in turmoil, if we just hear about
it nobody's going to get it. They had us insert that.
