faith manages

 Posted on 11/3/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

"Happily your note could only be read as mean-spirited by someone
feeling a bit guilty. It is a mirror: you get out of the comment what
you put into it's creation. You see it as a redemption/accomplishment
of a plan, I see it as a confirmation of my own fandom, and a critic
will see it as an insult on his/her own unkind words."

Something for everyone....

"But have you had many negative comments about it? I hope not as many
as you've had positive."

No, not that much...and what there is, is mainly from the
weasels for whom it was somewhat intended.

"BTW: was my interpretation of the fiery emergence of the Agamemnon an
over-interpretation on my part? Or will you remain enigmatic - it
means whatever it means!"

It seemed an appropriate placeholder when WB told us we had to
omit Claudia's credit because she also appears in (the new) 522,
"Sleeping in Light," to avoid incurring fees.

"It's been said B5 represents a paradigm shift in science fiction -
and we're all better for it."

Sometimes I think maybe we've actually done it....
