Help Me Promote Season 5

 Posted on 10/2/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

There's really nothing you can tell these people that will
work. They will always doubt and say it's doomed...then see what comes
along, and go "...oh..." and then the next thing will happen, and
they'll do it again, on and on. When Stephen came in, when Michael
went out, when the shadow war ended, when we got year 5...I'm more or
less used to it by now.

Give them something to believe?

I did.

The fifth season.

Either it's there, or it ain't...and anything I say doesn't
mean a damned thing, since there's always somebody who'll counter,
"Well of COURSE he'd say that." The show stands on its own. Always
has. Always will.
