
 Posted on 7/23/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Roseann M. Caputo <> asks:
> I'm just as disappointed as everyone else, but it happens, yes?
> Why can't everyone just appreaciate you for the sick, twisted,
> lovable, demented, tortured, bizarre, clever, witty, devious,
> genius that you are? PS: Being as I'm only 5'2", it will be
> difficult for me to watch you're back and see what's coming also,
> perhaps my 6'5" boyfriend will help?

"Why can't everyone just appreaciate you for the sick, twisted,
lovable, demented, tortured, bizarre, clever, witty, devious, genius
that you are?"

Kill me...just kill me now and get it over with....
