Re: Query to JMS on a minor po

 Posted on 11/25/1993 by to

At this point, I suspect that the only version of the pilot that will
ever be released (barring major success on our part) is the one that's now
in distribution. Making a new version with the missing 25 minutes would
require massive editing (there was never a full version made, since we're
editing on computer file graphics, only going to film when we're done), and
right now that's not in anyone's budget.


Re: Query to JMS on a minor po

 Posted on 11/30/1993 by to

In "Midnight," Sinclair had to be pretty much in command mode all
during the episode as a character, so that influences the result. But in
later episodes, we get him out of those situations, out of uniform, and
into other settings where he can be more relaxed. So that's coming, and
you'll see it *very* early on in the first season.
