Sheridan Speaks

 Posted on 12/13/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Brent Barrett <> asks:
> I was awonderin': Since Sheridan had close contact with numerous
> alien races before coming to B5 ("even a few Minbari") and had
> picked up a few words of, at least, Narn ("All Alone in the
> Night"), does he know *any* Minbari? Has he picked up any in the
> last two to three years of close *ahem* contact with the Minbari?
> Do you have any plans for him to try to learn some or all of the
> language?

When he has a bit more time, what with this pesky war and all,
he'll almost certainly undertake this.


Sheridan Speaks

 Posted on 12/14/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Brent Barrett <> asks:
> So, I take it he didn't pick up much conversational Minbari on
> his trips and contacts with the other races, eh?

Yup. Because during the Minbari war, the Narns were selling us
weapons, so Sheridan and other Earthforce captains had to learn at
least a smattering of Narnish for purposes of negotiations.
