Re:Some Questions

 Posted on 5/9/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

1. How far will Delenn and sheridans relationship go?

You'll find out in the two parter, to a large extent.

2. Why are the shadows attacking everyone?

Good question. We'll get that by season's end.

3. Is B4 going to become a big part of the storyline?

In a sense.

4. Do the vorlons have a large amount of ships?

Depends on your perspective.

5. Is B5 going to be renewed?

We remain cautiously optimistic.


Re:Some Questions

 Posted on 5/11/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

No plans for Takashima; the highest rating is a P12; and the Vorlons still
have their part to play.
