Summoning: Translation

 Posted on 8/8/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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Hatrack would, of course, be a loose interpretation of the bony
crest at the top of a Minbari's head.

(long pause to see if he buys it or not)

Okay, okay...bear in mind that if you misuse the language you
can create words that don't actually exist. In German, for instance,
they create new words by adding suffixes and prefixes to previous words
(as Mark Twain said, they eventually acquire a perspective, like a
train receding into the distance). The fact that Ivanova came up with
that word -- taking English in her head and trying to find Minbari
equivilants -- doesn't mean that it *is* a word to the Minbari. I can
say, "uberfleidermaus," which would mean "the supervising bat," but
that ain't a word the Germans would recognize, even though it is in


Summoning: Translation

 Posted on 8/14/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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