You can't exclude or include anything...

 Posted on 10/28/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

You can't exclude or include anything in your story just because a
character or concept has been used by others. If we were to do that, then we
might as well never make the show, because others have shown starships and
hyperspace and aliens. Okay, yes, others have used Jack. But not in the same
way. It was *right* for this show...should it not be used because others have
also used this character? I think that the moment you begin constantly course-
correcting your show in reaction to other shows, you're dead in the water.
You have to do what's right for *this* story, in *this* episode. And I think
we showed a very different aspect of the character and the situation than has
been shown before. If we just did the same old gag -- Jack comes to B5 and
begins murdering people again -- then I'd agree. But we didn't. I think you
have to judge a show by what's IN the show, and how well it's done, not
against what has been done in other places.

Otherwise we might as well throw out starships and beam weapons and
aliens and all the rest, since those have ALL been done a lot more than Jack.
