Kwicker..."What if Joe wrote a story...

 Posted on 8/25/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Kwicker..."What if Joe wrote a story in which a "memory-challenged"
person DISCOVERED records of who or what he was?"

I was in the process of developing that as a b-story in an upcoming

Because of that comment, I now have to scuttle the story.

I understand that this proceeds from enthusiasm on everyone's part, but
let me repeat this as forcefully as I can: NO STORY IDEAS. No matter what
anyone says, what disclaimers are put up, if I see a story idea that is
something we're doing or contemplating doing...I have to scuttle it to protect
the series.

This has just torpedoed what would've been a very compelling little b-

Everyone, please, be *very* careful about this...the only other option I
have, if it begins happening too much, is to dive out of the discussion, and
I'd *really* rather not have to do that.
