I try not to hype shows that I like...

 Posted on 7/23/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I try not to hype shows that I like unless I know beyond a doubt that
it's absolutley kickp-ass. I like "Voice" a lot; it is the point at which we
really start cranking, speeding things up as we barrel toward "Chrysalis." I
think the CGi is nothing less than terrific, Christopher Franke went balls-to-
the-wall and did an *amazing* job with the music, the performances are good.
I like it a lot. I haven't commented upon it a lot because it's kind of the
weird child in the brood; when I write, I generally write tight and fast. By
the third act, you're *moving*. In this case, you have to pace yourself out
*very* differently, so part of my brain keeps doing this "c'mon, speed it up,
speed it up" when I'm watching the first part because I'm used to a different
one-hour kind of pacing.

Kathryn says I'm nuts. But then this is nothing new.

Anyway, I do think it's pretty cool, and does a lot with virtual sets and
composite sets.

Yesterday, I got the final air-check versions of "Babylon Squared" and
"Chrysalis" to QC before delivering them to PTEN. Watched both of them three
times in the same day. They're just stunning. Probably the two best episodes
of the entire season.
