(as he lay there on the mat, the referee counting slowly to ten, he
decides whether to get up, and face another barrage, or just lay there
contemplating how amazing the lights look from this perspective....)
My problem with my current system is that it works fine with the first
item on the SCSI system, a rewriteable optical disk. It's when I plug that
into the second device, a 6-CD rom jukebox (Pioneer 604X) that suddenly the
system begins resetting and resetting and resetting when I turn it on. I can
only make ti stop resetting by unplugging the jukebox. There's not a conflict
in the device number, that seems fine. And insofar as I can tell, the
terminatin switches are set fine. Ultrastor thinks that a jumper of some kind
needs to be installed on the car.
All I want...please...is a computer that I can plug in, not have to mess
with, and will be able to do everything I want it to do with the DOS software
(sorry, macs) that I've grown accustomed to. It seems like every computer
I've ever owned needs massaging, nudging, configuring, constant prayer and
occasional exorcism. I just want it to *work right* out of the box. Is that
really so much to ask?