Errr....the freudian interpretation...

 Posted on 7/7/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Errr....the freudian interpretation of the dream has *nothing* to do with
being heterosexual *or* homosexual. It's the classic dream o entering a womb
or vagina, or more simply a sexual image that has no particular gender or
gender preference associated with it at *all*.

To say there are Freudian implications has *nothing* to do with being
gay, straight, or anything else. It did not contain *any* insult. You are
reacting to something that wasn't stated, wasn't implied, and doesn't exist.

It's the old "train entering a tunnel" dream, basically.

Any other interpretation has more to do with what you may be bringing to
the table from your own past, than anything that was said. Look at the
message again. It simply ain't there. Somehow you have come to associate
Freud with gayness, and Freudian analysis with saying that someone's
gay...which simply and plainly is not true.

jms (b.a. clinical psychology)