"Do you have something against our government?" No, this isn't our
government in B5's time. It has some echoes, but it's not the same thing.
No, I'm not a libertarian. I just believe, in looking at, say, 6,000
years of recorded history, that government always tends to have with it
varying degrees of corruption, stupidity, venality and dunderheads. Ditto
with any organization whose membership is larger than 1. That, too, is
part of our heritage.
The EA government is currently in a very bad state; something is
starting to go very wrong at the heart of it. We're catching it just as
this is starting to heat up. We're seeing signs (and portents) that the
EA is taking a turn toward something nasty. Question is, who's doing the
turning, and why? It's not a stereotype, or an analysis of our current
system of government; it's a plot point.