Less than one week left of filming...

 Posted on 3/18/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Less than one week left of filming on Year One. Eek.


If I can put a word out onto the electronic web...usually, in the network
shows, a series runs its course, and at the end of the season, the network
decides whether or not to renew. Because of the schedule of PTEN, the
decision to renew or not comes in April/May.

While the ratings are good -- mention of the B5 ratings got a headline in
today's "Hollywood Reporter" along with ST -- there's a new wrinkle in the
situation. The new Paramount Network. They're making deals with stations as
fast as they can, snatching up the independent stations and trying to secure
the few remaining available timeslots (which with the glut of programs now are
continually growing smaller in number). So for a station, it's a choice
between two or more shows that might rate equally fine, but there's outside

Point being this (and anyone who wants to upload this entire message to
other nets, feel free): if -- IF -- you genuinely enjoy the show, and would
like to see it renewed, this would be a very good time to drop your local TV
station a letter indicating this. The stations have a direct input as to
whether or not shows are renewed. It certainly couldn't hurt.
