Posted on 2/22/1994 by to

In terms of visual-media SF, there have been a lot of influences over
the years, mainly in informing my views of what constitutes SF. There are
the obvious influences from Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits, as well as
Blake's 7 and the Prisoner. Also loved Night Gallery, and still hold some
measure of appreciation for the Invaders. My favorite SF films are still
(for the most part) those from the fifties and sixties; 2001, The Day The
Earth Stood Still, Twenty Million Years to Earth and so on, though clearly
there's been a lot of good work since, with Aliens and the Terminator
films being favorites.

Anime has never really done much for me, I'm afraid. It's hard to
really say why; it's not that it offends me or anything, it just hasn't
pushed the same buttons for me that other venues have.

gain, putting in
phasing problems and other stuff. We're trying to backtrack further and
keep it from happening again. (Part of the problem apparently sets in
when they do the closed-captioning duping.)
