
 Posted on 2/13/1994 by to

Yes, I try to log on here about once a day, and though it's getting
tougher, I still read through *all* the messages in this area, though at
times I skim a bit. From my perspective, I try not to get in the way of
the discussion, by either encouraging or discouraging positive or
negative comments. If I think someone is being unfair, or is just coming
in to lob in a firecracker, watch everyone scatter and yell, and then run
away (as the occasional spineless mindfucker among us is wont to do), I
either fire back, or simply ignore the post.

The one major reason I decided to begin this interaction, despite
CONSIDERABLE discourgement and disbelief from my peers, is that I think it
may be of some use, and because I think that one should be willing to
stand publicly with what you create, and because though many criticisms
are issues of taste or subjective preference, sometimes (fairly often,
actually), I learn something from the discussion, or I'm corrected in
something, and that realignment is eventually reflected in the show. I'm
giving some serious thought to either revamping n'grath or killing him off
given the reaction (paired with my own). I won't be dictated to, but in
some cases, as with n'grath, I may be uncertain, but willing to try and
see if the experiment works. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, and
the general perception here seems close to my own. In addition, I was
initially going to gloss over some of the legal aspects of the Psi Corps
in "The Quality of Mercy," but when so many people expressed interest in
how that worked, and when I saw some measure of confusion about it, I
took the time to indicate how the legal aspects work when it came time to
complete that script, thus answering the questions.

Sure, there've been more hostile or abusive or insulting messages
posted here, primarily to get a reaction...I've seen that game before, and
I'm neither impressed nor annoyed. The general level of the discussion
-- pro AND con -- is still generally of a high level, and quite
revealing. The experiment continues.
