A couple of network affiliates have...

 Posted on 2/13/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

A couple of network affiliates have bumped their regular programming and
have just taken on B5. Including an ABC affiliate. Interesting...

Took a bit of a day to myself, got out, saw "Fool Moon" in its L.A.
appearance (saw it in NY last year, off-broadway), with Bill Irwin and his
partner, and if you're in L.A., *see* this thing. Just wonderful. Went with
Harlan and Susan, and just before it stared, in comes Mick Jagger with his
wife and three kids, and they sit in the row in front of us, and Harlan (who
toured with 'em for a while for some articles) and he strike up a
conversation, and we're all chatting. A very nice fellow, very quiet believe
it or not.
