This was a bit cut from the script...

 Posted on 2/11/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

This was a bit cut from the script for time; Gold Channels are ONLY for
official use, they're high-priority channels that can go anywhere back on
Earth. Commercial communications are less reliable and only have a few
channels available; you've got to wait for a call to go through. To use a
Gold Channel for personal communications is a No-No.

Sinclair is shot at in "Infection," yes...but then, EVERYONE is shot at
in "Infection." However, he *isn't* shot at in the majority of our
episodes...isn't shot at in "Parliament," "Mind War," "By Any Means,"
"Survivors," "Believers," "Chrysalis" or many others. Like I said, the amount
of personal danger into which he puts himself cuts down a bit after the
discussion at the end of "Infection."
