"Midnight" and the council (No

 Posted on 1/22/1994 by jmsatb5@aol.com to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated

The Babylon 5 Advisory Council and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds
functions in much the same fashion as the Security Council and the General
Assembly in the U.N. The smaller worlds and alliances can't weild as much
power as any of the Big Five. Together, they as a group get a vote equal
to one of the Big Five; they can deputize one of their number to speak for
them and cast that vote, which can often break ties or create ties. It is
not a terribly equitible situation, but it was the only workable solution
that would be accepted by the other Ambassadors. We'll see them chafing
at this in "Deathwalker."
