Here is the one and only thing I...

 Posted on 1/21/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Here is the one and only thing I really have to say about critics (at
least until otherwise provoked).

When "Lost in Space" went on the air, every critic hated it; they hated
the cast, they hated the writing, they hated the sets...they panned it
royally. About a year later, when LiS was a big hit, and was selling magazine
covers, a lot changed. Then "Star Trek" appeared...and was crucified by the
critics. They hated the cast, they hated the writing, they hated the
sets...TV Guide in particular. They roundly dismissed it as an attempt to
cash in on "Lost in Space"'s success. Critics attacked Patrick Stewart in
TNG for being stiff and unappealing, attacked DS9 on similar grounds.....

They *always* attack SF. Always have, always will. And always unfairly.
