Since Mike mentioned it...yes. ...

 Posted on 12/21/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Since Mike mentioned it...yes. "Babylon Squared" answers the
question...though posing new questions about *why*. Basically,
every question
we ask going into the first season we will answer, because I don't
think it's
right or fair or smart to keep people hanging around 3 years to get
a simple
answer to a simple question. Season 1 of B5 is what I generally
call the
"what" find out WHAT the Psi Corps is, WHAT happened
at the
Battle of the Line, WHAT happened to Babylon 4, and so on...whereas
Season 2
is the "why" season...WHY did that happen to Sinclair? And so on.
questions arise, and we proide new answers, generally within the
course of the
following season, but while at all times making sure that each
episode stands
alone, regardless of where and which season you enter the series as
a viewer.

(It's kinda like being one of those guys on the old Ed
Sullivan show,
spinning plates on top of long, thin rods...there's a LOT to keep
in motion at
all times.)

I'd classify the pilot movie as "who."
