We took care of 'em.
Quick updates: expect some coverage of B5 in Entertainment
Weekly, TV
Guide and CNN. There will be full-page color ads for B5 in People,
Illustrated, TV Guide, and other major magazines. The Clippers
game on
Channel 13 L.A. the night before our debut will be "Brought to you
by Babylon
5," and after the game, around 9:30, there will be the half-hour
"Making Of
Babylon 5" documentary. Also expect to start seeing ads on the
back covers of
DC comics books in the next week or so. There will be a slow but
increase in print, TV and radio ads over the next few weeks. It's
with the huge PR campaign that's been developed, that 90% of the
country will
have seen at least one B5 ad, and 50% of the country will have seen
roughly 10
ads. Those of you who have been eagerly looking for this
probably, like me, be so sick of seeing them after a while...but
it's part of
the process of bringing the show to the non-modemed.
After the Christmas break, we'll be two-thirds finished with
production on the first season. It's just *zipped*