Yes, people will go to the bathroom....

 Posted on 11/5/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Yes, people will go to the bathroom. ANd yes, they will speak in their
own languages when amongst their own kind...but just as with a WW II movie,
when you show the germans talking to one another, it'll be English. On those
occasions when someone speaks Narn around humans, then of course it's another
language, and will sound that way.

The pilot was a tad too dark looking; we've taken a slightly lighter look
for the series, while keeping the shadows and textures that we want.

What a weird day...I just get over the flu, this is my first really
healthy day, and on the way back from the lunch trucks I slip spraining my
ankle. Now, after I've had the flu, I generally tend to dress warmly for a
few days, wear my slippers, to avoid falling back. So now here I am typing
this with a bag of ice on my foot. Either way...I'm doomed.

Funny incident today, though, also at lunch. Walter Koenig joined some
of the cast members at their table for lunch, and as he came to the table,
they all stood up at attention. When asked why, they explained that it's
protocol for junior officers to stand when a senior officer comes to the
table. It was kind of a nice moment.

Shooting on "Mind War" continues to go well. Great stuff from Walter.
Also, I've finally seen the final version of the B5 main title, with the
addition of Christopher Franke's B5 theme music...and it's just terrific, a
huge step over the pilot, much as I liked some aspects of that music. It's
rich, romantic, full, aggressive, and it stays in the mind afterward.

Looking good....
