We're using some state of the art computers for our editing work, in some
ways in advance of EditDroid. The first line is the Avid editor, which
digitizes all of the printed takes from an episode and stores them in full-
motion video/audio the same way you store a .gif file. You can have instant
access to everything; you don't have to swap disks in or out, and it's all
immediate. Once you've edited the thing to where you want it, you save the
information to the system. Then you provide all of the required prints to the
major computer system at the editing house which then *automatically*
assembles the entire cut overnight. Operates almost entirely without
supervision. You come in in the morning, and your cut is waiting for you.
we're able to stay further toward the cutting edge of technology because we're
small, new, and can react faster than something that has to work through an
entrenched studio bureaucracy that has already invested major bucks in its old
systems, and doesn't want to re-tool since what it has basically works fine.