So, I like the number 5. Actually,...

 Posted on 1/30/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

So, I like the number 5. Actually, the length was something set with Ron
at the time, and he produced the 5 miles figure (which is a bit short, in
fact, of the "actual" length as it came out).

And I didn't make up the L5 stuff...hey, it's synchronicity. Ohmygosh --
and I've been typing this with five fingers on either hand (well, nine
actually, the left thumb doesn't actually DO anything that I'm aware of).

Re: NATPE...Warners DID have a presentation doing on B5 there. Not a big
presence, because they've already sold it to just about all the stations
that'll be carrying it, and selling is pretty much the point of NATPE, but in
any event, it was there.
