Bear: you're an evil man.

 Posted on 1/28/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Bear: you're an evil man.

I like that.

Re: "Night of the Living Dead," yeah, that's Patricia Tallman in the lead
role. Which is where I saw her for the first time, and decided at that moment
that I *had* to use her in something. She's dynamite. I saw her at a number
of gatherings in LA, including the Horror Hall of Fame parties at Universal,
but didn't say anything because...well, when someone comes up to you and says,
"Hi, I'm a producer, I'd like to use you in my next big project," it's
invariably perceived as a come-on. So I waited until the right opportunity

Knowing she'd be perfect for B5, I had her called in to audition. As she
was waiting in the hall, nervously practicing her lines, I stepped outside to
tell her that I'd seen her work, that she was terrific, and that I looked
forward to working with her. Apparently she didn't have any idea who I
was...but found out when she was brought in to do the actual audition a few
moments later. There was never any question in my mind about her doing the
role, and it was one of the smartest decisions I made in this thing.
