Your teacher was wrong. The dictionary...

 Posted on 1/28/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Your teacher was wrong. The dictionary accepts till. If required, I can
call Mrs. Nash, assuming she survived the process.

Re: aliens...yeah, there was a somewhat naturalistic look to the things
that I'd like to experiment with come the series. This was a deliberate
choice on Criswell's part. And by and large, it worked out okay. I just
think that for the series, it would limit us.

Criswell's elves actually did a *lot* of research, trying various
textures and color combinations drawn from nature. Of course, that's all
nature as would evolve in an oxygen atmosphere, 1g. We have to go beyond
that, and I think there's some nifty stuff that can be done down the road.
