Funny thing is, I hadn't checked...

 Posted on 1/24/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Funny thing is, I hadn't checked to see when the pilot would be aired in
L.A. Kind of amusing...and appropriate, given the probability that the
audiences will overlap.

(The article to which Brett refers, btw, is a piece in the Palm Latitudes
section of the LA Times Magazine that hit the newsstands today, which talks
about the discussion here on GEnie, and has a photo of yr obdnt srvnt stuck
inside a computer monitor which should probably be burned...the photo, that
is...and as if that weren't bad enough, it's a Mac.)

One other aside...Denny's friend David is the *first* civilian on theh
planet to see the totally completed B5 pilot, with sound, music and credits.
Hence the current sub rosa exchange.

Katherine: yeah, I know there's a Good Earth in Studio City...was hoping
Spousal Overunit wouldn't find out about it, but she did...sigh. By gosh,
give me a hamburger, fries and a chocolate shake! The heck with this so-
called health food.
