Sue...yeah, there's a lot of traffic...

 Posted on 12/31/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Sue...yeah, there's a lot of traffic here. Given the usual ratio of
posted messages to lurkers, there are now probably (and this is just a
personal guess) 1800 to 2000 people hanging around these days in this
category. It might go higher than that, but I'm being conservative, based on
what's standard in terms of posters/non-posters ratios.

Re: the CNN piece, it's probably the interview they conducted the last
day of filming. There we were, trying desperately to finish the movie, and
the same day descend the camera crews from CNN, E!, Warners and some other
places. It was a *madhouse*.

BTW, I hear that the music on That Other Show sounds rather like ours.

I have to make a mental note to go back and re-read the David and Goliath
