Don't know anything about the Zentraedi...

 Posted on 11/22/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Don't know anything about the Zentraedi or the Paranoids, so I can't
really comment. Re: the uniforms, yes, there are two kinds, the day uniforms
and the dress uniforms. Dress uniforms are used for official events,
receptions, hearings and the like; day uniforms are used the rest of the time.
We will be making some *slight* modifications to the uniforms, but the basic
look will remain about the same. What helps the uniforms overall, in terms of
the day uniforms, is to wear them *open*, which in most casual situations
would be the case. And we tried to get people to wear them open, which was
part of the design, but they felt it was important to be official all the
time, so they stayed closed, which made them look a little more monochromatic
than should've been the case. So we're going to adjust it...either by having
them a bit more varied, or getting the cast to wear them open, or some
