Several things...first, thanks to...

 Posted on 4/2/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Several things...first, thanks to one and all, especially the lurkers (so
where've you BEEN all this time?).

Second, it *looks* as if the deadline for the resolution for the current
situation has been extended to Monday, which lets us all take a moment to
breathe. So you needn't check in on the twice-daily schedule for the next
couple of days, though I strongly suggest a check-back on Monday.

In the interim, because there's some time, and because we've now gone
through so much set-up, I think it is incumbent upon me to kind of explain a
*little* of the situation. Mind, I can't say a lot; I have to be circumspect
because that's the nature of the business. At least, I have to be circumspect
at the moment...we'll see what Monday at the close of business day brings.

What I *can* say is this...that from the very first day, as those of you
who've been around the longest know, everyone associated with B5 has dedicated
him/herself to doing this one *right* in every possible sense of the word.
Budget, effects, the deal, control, the script, you name it, we've been *very*
careful, and very dedicated to that singular proposition.

In any situation like this, if you're worth your salt, you come to one
pivotal moment when you have to be willing to put *everything* on the line, to
risk it all on one throw of the dice. In order to get the last elements we
need, that's what I've had to do...we will either do this show right, on every
level, or....

You get the idea.

I've put it all up to a roll of the dice...four years work, my team,
everything. In order to do it *right*, or not at all. One of my prize
possessions is a RAF wing-insignia from WW II. The motto read only, "Who
Dares, Wins." And I believe that.

If I can mix my gambling metaphors for just a moment, in this little game
of chance I have one card up my sleeve...and that's all of you. If the
balance begins to tip, those of you who believe in what we're trying to do
will all have your part to play. And it may be *extremely* instrumental.
That's all I can say at the moment. My decision to put everything up for
grabs, winner-take-all, has been supported by all th ose involved with B5, and
that's immensely gratifying. It's a very, *very* dangerous game, but with a
little luck, and with a sudden possible ride by the cavalry over the hill,
it's *just* possible thatt we'll pull it off, and make a little history in the

So stay watchful, though a little less often between now and Monday, and
we'll see what happens. And know that your support and your interest means
more than I can possibly describe.

Thanks again, and as soon as I can explain further, or make an
announcement one way or another, be assured that it'll be here within minutes.

(Oh...and before I forget...the t-shirts are being silk-screened even as
I type this, and will be ready within about 10 days, at which time there will
be a system whereby those whats wants 'em will be able to get them without
charge. This batch will be set aside only for use at and distribution at
conventions, and to the 470/18/22 folks who've been here from the start.)
