Joe an atheist?

 Posted on 5/13/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Yes, Daniel, but you keep dancing away from the fact that the
catholic church, and the Jewish religion, have also had changes and
schisms and fractures, as the result of *changes in human opinion*. If
there were an eternal truth being practiced, then it should be
unchanging. But religion is *constantly* changing because of
alterations in social mores and opinions. The role of women in the
synagogue. The changes from latin to english mass. The final decision
by the church that maybe the sun *doesn't* rotate around the earth.
The ordination of women rabbis. The dietary restrictions as set forth
in the Bible.

Heck, Daniel, the Old Testament goes on and on at great length
to explain how the laws work, that the laws are the only ways to get
over to the pleasant side of the afterlife...then suddenly in the new
testament it's all, "No, no, forget the laws, THIS is how you do it."
What, god was just kidding for the preceding couple thousand years?

Go back to the early Catholic records, read the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the early Roman records, and you'll find that the practice of
Christianity today is utterly unlike its early history. Religion
changes as the world around it changes...or it dies.

The constant, unchanging religion you cite doesn't exist in
reality. It's ALL a case of "it seems to me." Every time a new pope
comes in, you get a massive case of it.
