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Date Title Source
01/19/1996 Yeah, I know Alan. We're more casual... GENIE
01/18/1996 Actually, as I recall, it's "Even... GENIE
01/17/1996 At this point, I think I'd opt not... GENIE
01/17/1996 RE: B5 costs...generally, under... GENIE
01/16/1996 Since the universe is curved, there... GENIE
01/16/1996 Well, guess what...this week's new... GENIE
01/15/1996 Sharon, you're engaging in the politics... GENIE
01/15/1996 Re: history...there's a line I came... GENIE
01/14/1996 Re: the Hugos...I would not tend... GENIE
01/14/1996 Broadcast networks are still adamently... GENIE
01/13/1996 Actually, we've already *had* ST... GENIE
01/13/1996 Sharon, my main point was primarily... GENIE
01/13/1996 We still have to license 'em from... GENIE
01/13/1996 Ruth: and that's one thing that... GENIE
01/13/1996 Re: an "edge" to the show....I suspect... GENIE
01/12/1996 Read it? I *loved* "The Mad Scientists... GENIE
01/12/1996 Permission isn't required for pictures... GENIE
01/11/1996 Remember, we're only going to be... GENIE
01/11/1996 Actually, having now seen (upon... GENIE
01/10/1996 BTW, two quickies...I haven't had... GENIE