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Date Title Source
01/09/1996 If one wants to go as a civilian... GENIE
01/09/1996 Haven't yet been invited to the... GENIE
01/08/1996 For those who may be interested,... GENIE
01/07/1996 One of the problems we had with... GENIE
01/06/1996 OtherSyde came out with a B5 reference... GENIE
01/06/1996 I guess it's the difference between... GENIE
01/06/1996 Yes, in "Ceremonies" Harlan is the... GENIE
01/05/1996, you have it correct.... GENIE
01/05/1996 Atratus: how can I answer that without... GENIE
12/31/1995 One other aspect I forgot to mention... GENIE
12/30/1995 Letter Home from jms
12/29/1995 Let me see if I've got this straight...Executo... GENIE
12/28/1995 Kim: this was probably the most... GENIE
12/28/1995 The email response I sent is correct,... GENIE
12/27/1995 Thanks. Though I knew about the... GENIE
12/27/1995 Rick: exactly. I think the show... GENIE
12/27/1995 Err...I think something may not... GENIE
12/26/1995 Mike: suffice to say there are some...interest... GENIE
12/26/1995 Actually, if you want to hold off... GENIE